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Extracted tooth

Tooth Extractions in Springwood

We strive to help our 32 Dental Lane patients keep their healthy natural teeth as long as possible. But there are times when extraction is the best option for the patient’s oral health. That can occur when a cavity is so large that we can’t safely keep the tooth. Extensive gum disease can cause a tooth to become loose, and we may recommend taking it out. If a tooth is broken in such a way that it can’t be restored, extraction may be the best option.

Wisdom teeth are commonly removed when they cause pain or are not coming in properly. We may also recommend extraction of a particular tooth or teeth for orthodontic purposes.

Man in dental chair

The Extraction Process

Extractions are not the horrific experiences many patients fear, and most can even be done non-surgically. Before the dentist commences any extraction process, we will take X-rays so we have a clear image of what’s going on with the tooth involved. In a simple extraction, we will numb the tooth, then move it gently to loosen the roots and remove it. You might feel slight pressure. If we determine the tooth won’t come out normally, we will do a surgical extraction.

After an extraction, we’ll give you verbal and printed after-care instructions. We’ll make sure you’re comfortable and not bleeding before we let you go home, and we’ll send some extra swabs with you in case of bleeding later. You can take Panadol or Nurofen if it’s uncomfortable later.

If your extraction was surgical, we’ll give you a bag of ice to help with swelling, and we may prescribe stronger pain relief and antibiotics, if needed.

Post-Extraction Care

We ring or text every patient the day after an extraction to check if they’re having any problems. Any post-operative care for that extraction is included in the price, so there will be no additional cost for anything else. If you’re having any problems, we will take care of them.

Schedule Today

If you think you may need an extraction, contact us today to book an appointment.


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Tooth Extractions in Springwood, Rochdale & Underwood QLD | (07) 3299-2775