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Invisalign Clear Aligners in Springwood

Girl showing clear alignersWe want every 32 Dental Lane patient to love their smile! If your teeth are slightly crooked or you don’t like your smile, Invisalign clear aligners might be the answer for you. We’ll explain all your options, as well as the time involved and costs of each alternative. In some cases, a simple veneer will correct the aesthetic issue. If not, we’ll discuss the differences between braces and clear aligners, and the results you can expect from each.

Clear aligners must be worn twenty-two hours per day to work, so we typically offer them only for young adults on up. Children and younger teens often are not compliant enough to wear the aligners as they should, so the process is not successful—braces are a better option for people in this age range.

Clear Aligners vs Braces

We generally recommend Invisalign clear aligners in situations where the main concern is cosmetic, and the amount of change required is not too extensive. Braces are recommended for more extensive issues, as well as for kids and younger teens.

How Long Is the Process?

Every patient is unique, but for young adults, the clear aligners are usually worn for eight to twelve months. Straightening the teeth is the first step, but retention and aftercare are equally important, so retainers will need to be worn for another year. The dentist will explain all this from the beginning, so you understand the full scope of the treatment before you commit.

Do Clear Aligners Hurt?

Clear aligners work by moving your teeth, and this will cause some discomfort or pain. It may feel like your teeth are loose. This is normal, and any pain caused by your clear aligners can be alleviated with Panadol or Nurofen.

woman being fitted with aligners

Invisalign Offer

From $5000 single arch and $6500 for both arches

  • Initial consultation
  • Treatment plan
  • Aligners

Book a free consultation to get an idea of what treatment may be suitable for you or your family member.


Get the Smile You’ve Always Wanted

Contact us today to take the first step towards a straight and beautiful smile!


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Invisalign Clear Aligners in Springwood, Rochdale & Underwood QLD | (07) 3299-2775